Monday, March 7, 2011

Making Peace On the Way Home From War launches today!

The Making Peace on the Way Home From War blog has been in the making for some time now.  It has not only been in my mind and heart but also in the hearts and minds of those I have served with and been supported by over two combat deployments --many who encouraged me over half a lifetime toward preparing for and eventually answering the call to be a military chaplain in 2005.

It is not just those who wear the uniform who serve but also loved ones, friends, families, civilians/government contractors, third country nationals, and those who are not sure whether or not they are happy to see us arrive in their homeland but more often do not look forward to the day we must leave to return to our own country.  All of these amazing people and the sacrifices they have made and who will likely continue to sacrifice in some manner, are part of war time experiences either on the homefront or the battlefront.  And so whether you have served,or loved or prayed for someone who did --and who may still serve today, you are cordially invited to be part of the journey of Making Peace on the Way Home From War.

1 comment:

  1. Wish I could be with you today! Know you are in my thoughts and prayers.
    God be with you.
